Vijaya Bank Mini Statement Toll Free Number, Vijaya Bank is one of the Public Sector Banks of India which is now merged with Bank of Baroda. The head office of this bank is located in Bangalore and its approximately 2031 branches are spread across India.
Vijaya Bank Mini Statement
How to check my Vijaya Bank mini statement on mobile? To check your mini statement, dial 1800 103 5535 or 1800 313 8540 from your registered mobile number.
Do you frequently need to check your Vijaya Bank account mini statement? Knowing your account balance or mini statement by going to ATM or bank has become an old way. Nowadays you can know account mini statement any day and time by sitting at home.
Vijaya Bank Toll Free Number
The customers can easily contact Vijaya Bank’s customer care representative through the below toll-free numbers 1800 425 9992, 1800 425 4066, 1800 425 5885. Missed Call Service: For any queries related to your personal banking, you can also give a missed call at 09243210480.
We have already told you about Vijaya Bank balance Enquiryy number, in which you can know the mini statement of your account by giving a missed. Today we are going to tell you how to get mini statement of your Vijaya Bank account through missed call or SMS. I hope you like it. Let’s know: –
Check Vijaya Bank mini statement by giving missed call,
To check your mini statement, dial 1800 103 5535 or 1800 313 8540 from your registered mobile number.
To know Vijaya Bank mini statement by giving missed call, you need to call toll free number 18001035535 or 1800 313 8540 from the mobile number registered with your bank account. You can get the details of last 4 transactions via SMS by giving a missed call on these toll free numbers. As these numbers are toll free, you will not be charged for using this facility. This is the best way to know mini statement without any internet service.
Vijaya Bank Mini Statement by SMS
To know Vijaya Bank mini statement by sending SMS, your mobile number registered with the bank account should be active. From that mobile number you have to type ‘ Last 4 Digit of MINI Account Number ‘ and send it to 8422009988 . At the same time you will get mini statement SMS.
All Ways to Know Vijaya Bank Account Mini Statement :
Services | mini statement inquiry |
missed call service | 18001035535 or 18003138540 |
SMS Banking | Send MINI account number last 4 digits to 8422009988 |
toll free number | 18004255885, 18004259992 or 18004254066 | |
Apart from this, you can also know the mini statement of your account by using toll free number, internet banking and mobile banking application. So friends, in this way you can know the mini statement of Vijaya Bank through a missed call or SMS. It is very easy to know mini statement through missed call , I would suggest to use this method,