How to block your Standard Chartered credit card and apply for a replacement If you lose or have your credit card stolen, the only thing you can do right away is get it stopped. By blocking your credit cards, you protect yourself from scams that could happen on your account. It’s a good idea to keep track of what you do with your credit card so you can report it on time. Standard Chartered Bank gives you four ways to stop using your credit card.
There are different ways to cancel your Standard Chartered Bank credit card:
- Using NetBanking at Standard Chartered Bank
- Using the Standard Chartered Bank app for smartphones.
- By using the Standard Chartered Bank Phone Banking
- By stopping by a Standard Chartered Bank branch.
Customers can quickly stop using their Standard Chartered credit cards by following the bank’s steps. Standard Chartered gives you four ways to contact the bank immediately if you lose or have your credit card stolen.
Internet banking:
The best way to put a hold on your credit card is to use online banking. In just 3 steps, you can stop a credit card using your online banking account:
- First, go to the Standard Chartered Bank website and use your user ID and password to log in to your net banking account.
- Choose “Help & Services” from the list of choices.
- Go to the “Card Management” area and click “Report Lost/Stolen Card.” Then, follow the on-screen directions.
A pop-up message will flash on your device’s screen to inform you that your card has been blocked, and a new card will be mailed to your listed address.
Mobile application:
You must download the Standard Chartered mobile banking app and then do the following:
- Open the mobile banking app and sign in to your account with the same login information you use for online banking.
- Click on Help and Services.
- Go to the area for managing your cards and click on “Report Lost or Stolen Card.”
- If you follow the on-screen directions, your credit card will be stopped.
Once your credit card has been stopped, the bank will send you a new one.
Banking by phone:
Standard Chartered Bank has also allowed its users to use phone banking to ask questions or complain about their credit cards. If the credit card owner loses their card, they can block it by calling their bank. Call the bank’s toll-free customer service line at 1800-345-1000 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and follow the steps below.
- Call the toll-free line for customer service and enter your 4-digit Telephone Identification number when asked to do so by the IVR.
- Listen to what else the IVR tells you to do to block your Standard Chartered Credit Card.
Branch of Standard Chartered Bank:
You can also go to the bank’s office to ask them to stop your credit card. Follow the steps listed below;
- Go to the Standard Chartered Bank office closest to you and get the form to block your credit card from the desk.
- Please fill out the form and take it to the bank branch.